Everything You Need to Know About Animal Extinction

Animal extinction is a real problem whether you are an animal lover or not. When an animal becomes extinct it can completely throw off the balance and have serious consequences. Educating yourself about what animal extinction is and what you can do about it is a huge part of being a good citizen of the world.
What is animal extinction?
A species of animals become extinct when that species no longer has any individuals alive in the world. An extinct species is one that has died out globally and can no longer be found alive anywhere. While it is a natural part of evolution, like when a mass extinction caused the death of the dinosaurs, the current extinction rate is much higher than it would be naturally. 
How many species of animals have gone extinct because of humans?
First, we need to look at the natural extinction rate, also called the background extinction rate by experts. The background extinction rate is the rate of species that would go extinct even if humans were not around. Because of many factors, such as not knowing exactly how many species there are on earth (due to many not having been discovered yet) the natural extinction rate, according to The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, is about one species per million species. But with the existence of humans, the current rate is estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.
According to The Center of Biological Diversity, more than one million species are on track for becoming extinct in the coming decades. There are also what are called mass extinctions. Mass extinctions have happened five times in history and it’s where large numbers of species go extinct over a relatively short period of time. Many scientists suggest that we’re currently in the sixth mass extinction and that it may be caused by humans.
What causes animals to become extinct? 
Before an animal becomes extinct, species that are threatened to become extinct are called endangered species. When a species becomes so few in the world that they are in danger of being completely wiped out, they then become endangered animals or species. There are many reasons that an animal can become extinct, but the largest factors are outlined below.
An example of overharvesting would be humans overharvesting fish from the oceans. With technological advances in fields like fishing, the ability to catch much more fish at once than ever before means that more and more fish are being caught. Each year humans pull over 85 million fish from the sea and in many cases, nature can’t keep up. 
Habitat Loss
Most people have heard about the disappearing rainforests. But what some people don’t consider is all of the species of plants and animals that call the rainforest home. Habitats are torn down for use of land for building cities or roads, as well as for resources such as logging. When these areas are cut down or destroyed, many of the animals that call that forest home end up dying in the process, and those that survive have nowhere to live and thrive.
Invasive Species
When a species from another area comes in and overpowers another species, it can cause extinction. Some examples are if the invasive species feeds on another species to the point where they no longer exist or if an invasive species eats another animal's food supply and the other species can no longer survive.
One of the biggest ways humans have threatened animals is through pollution. Many of us have seen images of wildlife entangled in plastic or oil spills in the ocean. There are many ways that the pollution we’re putting into the world puts animals in danger.
Climate Change
Because the earth is rapidly warming, many species of animals are having to adapt to different climate patterns. This includes things like warmer weather and different rainfall patterns. While the changes don’t seem that big of a deal on their own, even small changes in the environment can create a huge impact over time.
How can we help prevent extinction?
Increase your knowledge
Continue to educate yourself on what animals are in danger of becoming extinct and freely share the information with others. Those who don’t know about endangered animals and the ways to help can’t possibly do anything to make any positive changes. 
Move towards sustainable products
Sustainable products and recycled products can truly help because many widely available products are harmful to the environment such as furniture made from the rainforest and products containing palm oil which contributes to forests being cut down. Habitat loss is one of the main reasons animals go extinct so doing your best to not support products and companies that contribute to it will be a great help.
Cut down on your pollution and use of plastics
There are many ways to cut down on pollution to help animals stay off the endangered species list. The use of plastics, pesticides, and other products that contribute to pollution of the earth are detrimental. 
Animal extinction is a serious problem that isn’t going to go away anytime soon. In fact, humans are increasing the rate of animal extinction and it’s up to us as the human race to work harder to prevent it from happening.

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